This weekend we got to borrow Penny to meet with potential puppybuyers. It is nice for her to spend some time here getting comfortable with our whole pack and us before she will move in to have her puppies.
Penny was inseminated 8 days ago, still way to early to see any signs on her but crossing our fingers it was successful.
The weather got very nice in the afternoon so I took some new photos of her. She is such an easy dog to stack, so balanced. And a head with so much expression.
For more information about the upcoming R-litter check out the Planned litter page or the Pregnancy Diary.
The Pink-litter (Tiya x Ari) are now almost 22 months old and has grown up into such beautiful big dogs. In the beginning of May I will get to see many of them when they will do their behaviour and personality assessment.
But until then I get to enjoy some new photos of many of them and so do you!

Penny has now on day 14 of her heat been inseminated with Wilson semen. She got ready faster than we had expeced but everything went great. We are so excited that everything went well and crossing fingers for puppies in the middle of May.
More info and photos in the Pregnancy Diary.
Are you interested in a puppy from the combination you can find more information here and you can contact me at karin@kadamo.se.

On Sunday we went to Örebro to attend an unofficial show, breed entry 14 and judge was John Sigve Berg.
It was the showdebut for little "Maggie" Kadamo A Kind of Magic from the Queen-litter. She was best bitchpuppy 4-6 months, Best of Breed 4-6 months and BIG-2. She behaved so well in this new environment with all the dogs, people and being in the ring.
We had our juniors "Cooper" Almach Eta Leonis Evolution and "Chloe" Atria Eta Leonis Evolution there aswell. Cooper finished 2nd in juniorclass with HP and Chloe was 3rd in her class with HP.
Both of them behaving very well too.

2012/11/22 - 2025/03/04
Kadamo Bringin' it Back
The day I have been trying so hard to avoid arrived today. It was time to let go of my queen Mira and say our final goodbye.
Mira was born into my hands 12 years 3 months and 10 days ago and today she died in them.
Mira has gotten weaker and weaker in her legs and has needed our assistance getting around. Even though her mind was still young her body wasn't anymore.
I wanted her to get to lay in the sun for her last breaths. The forecast did only show clouds but in the morning the clouds shattered and the sun started shining through our windows.
So just as I had wanted, Mira got to rest in her bed with rays of sunshine warming her her last morning.
She was surrounded by the rest of the dogs, me and Christoffer. After she had gotten her sedative she licked away the tears on my face as she has done several times before when I have been sad, this though was the last time and minutes after she fell asleep.
It was the most beautiful moment but also so sad. The last thing she did was trying to comfort me. She passed so peacefully so it all went as well as it could. But the pain does not get easier. She has been with me pretty much every day for over 12 years.
She was the last of my original pack, Dando, Moa, Yaya and Mira. They were the dogs I had before I met Christoffer and before I got my kids. It is hard to acknowledge that they are all gone now. Dogs that has meant so much to me and been with me since I was pretty young, now only left in my memories. I really hope that you are all together again somewhere in the universe, and that I will get to be with you again someday.
Mira was born in my Elvis-litter, the last litter of her mother Moa. Her father was Kimba from Australia who was also the father of my girl Yaya.
She came out of my dreamlitter and she turned out just as perfect as I had hoped. She got the best from both her parents. Mira was the first homebred dog that I kept for myself, which always made her special.
Through the years we have shared so many great moments together. We competed in rallyobedience, obedience, bloodtracking and dogshows. We travelled to different places for this and made memories for life.
You became a mother yourself and had 44 puppies which we kept our beautiful Tiya at home.
You will live on in your kids, grandkids and great grandkids.
My love for you will never fade and I will cherish your memory until the day I die.
Puppies planned for spring 2025:

Kommande aktiviteter:
6 april Viltspår Queen-kullen
27 april Prova på Fysträning
11 maj BPH Pink-kullen
Kadamo Mästerskapen i Viltspår
Latest News
- Penny 8 days after insemination!
- New photos of the Pink-puppies!
- Penny has been inseminated!
- Maggie Best of Breed and BIG-2 at her first show!
- Mira always in my heart!
- Penny has started her heat!
- Happy 13th Birthday to the Drinks-litter!
- New photos of Luna!
- Cooper BIS-junior and BIS-2 at his first show!
- Our boy Cooper is a junior!